
16V: Free At Last

Freedom: the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint.



Once I am through with this blog I will finally be able to experience the freedom of December break! I cannot wait to be without the constraint of assignments and classes. I know that it is not a permanent freedom, but I at least get to relax my brain for a little while. 

Relax my brain for a little while... well isn't that a joke.  Here I am relaxing, no stress at all, enjoying my time off TRYING TO COME UP WITH TWO MORE WORDS!

Okay lets start with exhausted and exit. Exhausted is what I am right now and exit is what I am doing. Thank you and good night!

16I: Studying the Day Away

I feel like my every waking moments of these past few weeks were spent studying at home and at school.

Before our Sociology exam, a friend and I decided to find the ideal place to study that was quiet but not so quiet that we couldn't talk. First, we tried the Student Center near Dunkin Donuts, but the music was way too loud. Next, we tried that Bagel Wagon in Engleman, but there was only one open seat. Then, after some wandering we came across the jackpot. We found a couch big enough for two in a quiet hallway. There we were able to concentrate on our studying and also have a conversation without disrupting anyone else's work. 

16A&B: It's Been Fun

My first semester of college has finally come to an end.

This semester has been an exciting, stressful, fun, and difficult experience all at the same time. I was very unsure about what college would be like going into this new chapter of my life, and I was extremely nervous that I would not do as well as I did in high school. I was faced with quite a few challenges that I had never experienced in my previous schooling. I learned that I am no longer able to float by with the bare minimum of effort. Each of my courses gave a significant amount of work, and I was forced to increase my effort substantially in order to remain on track. I think that the hardest challenge I faced this semester was managing my time with such a large work-load. Thankfully, I am not the type of person who gives up in the face of adversity, so with the help of a strict schedule and determination to get a high GPA my first semester, I succeeded and did not fall under the pressure.

Along with those challenges, I have also experienced quite a few achievements at Southern so far. Despite the times when I just felt completely overwhelmed and wanted to curl up in a corner and give up, I always persevered. I think that the key to success is simply not giving up when the going gets tough. It always seems like the easiest and best option at the time, but in the long run, facing your problems head on is the only way to conquer them. I feel that I have put my maximum effort into every project I've done or test I've taken in college so far and that work has paid off in regards to my grades. I wanted to get “A”s in all of my classes this semester, and I have achieved that goal.
Next semester I may be applying to the education program and I think that I need at least a 3.7 GPA to be accepted. That fact was my main motivation factor in my courses so far. If I want to follow my dream of being a teacher, I have to put all of my time and energy into my classes right away. It is not like high school where your junior and beginning of senior year are really all that matters and once you’re accepted to a college you can stop trying. I was told from the first day of orientation that it is extremely difficult to bring your GPA up significantly in college, so I knew I had to try my hardest immediately. I do not feel that I necessarily need to change anything in order to improve next semester because I have been successful so far in my college career, but I definitely need to keep working as hard as I have been and not start slacking off.
My goals for next semester will be generally the same as those I had for this year: get “A”s in all of my classes and keep my GPA above a 3.7 so that I can get into the education program. If I study for all of my tests and quizzes, read and comprehend whatever readings I am assigned, make a specific schedule for my assignments, avoid procrastinating, and go above and beyond requirements, I can absolutely continue achieving these goals.
I have come to realize that college is a very difficult journey. It requires far more work and energy to be thrive, but it is my future at stake. I know that all of the time I put into my studies now will pay off in the future, and that is what has driven me to succeed in this semester, and will continue to push me in semesters to come.



15V: Be an Autonomist

Autonomy: independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions.


Since my Inquiry class will be over this week, I will be on my own my next semester of college. Without my learning community, I will have autonomy in my next college courses. It may be more difficult getting used to these new classes without that support system, but I feel that I am prepared to make that change and that I am ready to take on this new challenge on my own.
Some other important words I should mention are prepare and success.
Thinking about finals in my other blog posts this week has made me think about the meaning of these two words. To prepare is to put in proper condition or readiness. I am in the process of preparing for my exams. Without preparing and studying, there is no way I would be able to get a good grade on my finals, so it is a necessary step toward success: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one's goals. My goal right now is to get an A on all of my final exams. Accomplishing that will make me a successful student.
As long as I use my autonomy to make good decisions such as using my time to prepare for my exams, I will gain success on my finals.

15I: Heading Downtown

This past Friday I ended up taking an impromptu trip to Union Station in downtown New Haven for a friend.

Being a commuter with my own car I have never needed to use public transportation like the train to visit anyone. However, a friend of mine who lives on campus does not have her car with her at school and needed a ride to the train station in order to visit her family. She asked me if I was available to bring her and it worked out that I had just gotten out of my last class at the time that she asked me for help. I had never driven to Union Station before, so she had to give me directions. It turns out that I drive right by it every Tuesday and Thursday when I go to Truman school for Jumpstart. This experience taught me a little bit more about the town that I go to school in. I am always happy to help out a friend and explore places I have never been before. 

15B: Freaking About Finals

The dreaded week is upon us...finals are here.

I am preparing for my finals by curling up in a ball and crying. I'm just kidding (sort of), but finals really are a worrisome time for many students. I recently found out that the three finals I am the most nervous about are all on the same day consecutively. Obviously this information just about doubled the anxiety I already had regarding those exams. I have Geography from 10:15-12:15 then history from 12:45-2:45, and finally math from 3:00-5:00. From 10:15am-5:00pm on Wednesday the 11th I will be taking tests. That makes me extremely nervous because I feel like I will be completely out of energy by my math final (which is the one I am the most scared for).
Fortunately, if I survive next Wednesday I am home free because the only other final I have to take is Sociology on Thursday, but that exam will be open notes so I am not worried about it.
I am doing my best to prepare myself as much as possible for this upcoming challenge. For geography, the exam is only on the last two lectures we had, so I am making flashcards based upon the information in the notes my professor gave us.  For history, I am making flash cards using the study guide provided. There are a lot of terms that I need to know, so I am spreading out the flash card making/studying process over a period of three days. For math, I am doing a lot of extra credit work as a cushion because the exam is cumulative. I have to know the information provided in chapters 6-11, so I am reviewing my notes and the notes in the book. For Sociology I am just reviewing my notes and re-reading a few chapters in the book.
I hope that all of my preparation will pay off. I am definitely trying my best to be ready for these finals and to end my first semester of college on a successful note.

15A: Constructive Criticism

This week, in Inquiry, we watched everyone's first drafts of our final video projects.

Our video projects are supposed to be about problems that typical college students face and how to rise above them. I chose to do my video blog on the topic of stress in college students. My first draft that I showed to the class only had the first half which involved the factors which cause stress in college and the symptoms that those under a lot of stress can experience.
I really wanted to make my video humorous because who wants to watch a video that just lists facts about stress? You can get that information from Google by yourself. The general response that I received from my classmates was that my skit was funny yet informative (which is exactly what I wanted). I was worried that some parts of the video were too quiet, so I wanted some feedback about the possibility of adding music. The general consensus was that it was not necessary.
The class gave me the feedback I needed to confirm my thought that I am on point with the creativity aspect of this project. I feel that I am also on the right track as far as college level thinking goes as well. I did not receive many criticisms for my video. Some of the comments I read were related to things I am already in the process of adding. For example, I am adding a few more parts to my project including how to alleviate stress and the statistics of health issues that can arise from being overly stressed. Another element of college level thinking I plan on including is the on campus resources we have available to us at Southern. I am going to film in the fitness center and the health and wellness center on campus.
I also did not have any typos or glitches. My volume was good and my transitions worked pretty well. I would say that after I add those previously mentioned extra elements, my video project will be worthy of a good grade.