
15B: Freaking About Finals

The dreaded week is upon us...finals are here.

I am preparing for my finals by curling up in a ball and crying. I'm just kidding (sort of), but finals really are a worrisome time for many students. I recently found out that the three finals I am the most nervous about are all on the same day consecutively. Obviously this information just about doubled the anxiety I already had regarding those exams. I have Geography from 10:15-12:15 then history from 12:45-2:45, and finally math from 3:00-5:00. From 10:15am-5:00pm on Wednesday the 11th I will be taking tests. That makes me extremely nervous because I feel like I will be completely out of energy by my math final (which is the one I am the most scared for).
Fortunately, if I survive next Wednesday I am home free because the only other final I have to take is Sociology on Thursday, but that exam will be open notes so I am not worried about it.
I am doing my best to prepare myself as much as possible for this upcoming challenge. For geography, the exam is only on the last two lectures we had, so I am making flashcards based upon the information in the notes my professor gave us.  For history, I am making flash cards using the study guide provided. There are a lot of terms that I need to know, so I am spreading out the flash card making/studying process over a period of three days. For math, I am doing a lot of extra credit work as a cushion because the exam is cumulative. I have to know the information provided in chapters 6-11, so I am reviewing my notes and the notes in the book. For Sociology I am just reviewing my notes and re-reading a few chapters in the book.
I hope that all of my preparation will pay off. I am definitely trying my best to be ready for these finals and to end my first semester of college on a successful note.

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