
6A: Trying To Beat The Odds

What do I struggle with on a daily basis? Not falling victim to the hand I was dealt with. 

I read an article the other day about a woman named Angela Duckworth who came up with the idea of "grit." Grit is a personality trait that gives one the ability to stick with something for a long period of time until they master it. In this article, the author talks about the different factors that could cause a student to lack the necessary amount of grit it takes to earn a college degree. Some of those factors included being the first in their families to go to college, having one or more jobs, having a car to pay for, helping out with bills at home, assisting with the care of younger siblings, etc. Upon reading this, I realized that every single one of those scenarios applies to my life.

Dropping out of college has never been an option in my mind, but this article really made me think. I doubt anyone who enrolls in a college expects to drop out. Why would anyone even start college if they did not foresee themselves succeeding? No one in my family has earned a degree, so what makes me any different? 
Every day my life is hectic. I am balancing school, homework, 2 jobs, my life at home (which is a nightmare), my social life, and so many other varying tasks that sometimes I become so overwhelmed that I start thinking about how much easier my life would be without school. Almost every day I am struggling to keep up with every aspect of my life, and it seems like I can never find the right balance. However, I push on because even though I feel like I am going to have a breakdown at any moment, I know that my life will be better with a college education. I want a good job that will make me happy, so my plan is to struggle now and push myself harder than ever before so that I can have a great life in the future.

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