
9B: Midterm Grades (Or Lack Thereof)

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Let me start off by saying that technology hates me. It always has, so why would a website like Blackboard Learn work for me? The answer: It wouldn't.
This blog post is supposed to be about my midterm grades, but as you can see below, only grades for one of my classes and the language placement test I took months ago are online:
I have emailed my professors (besides Inquiry because I was given my grade at my advising meeting), and I am still waiting for responses regarding what my grades are at this point. Unfortunately, I cannot be as specific as I would like to be in this blog post about my grades because I do not know exactly what they are. However, I think I have a pretty good idea about how I am doing in these courses.
Let's begin with U.S. History. I received a 100 on the first exam and a 96 on the second. This would make my average a 98 because we have no homework assignments or other grades of any kind in that class. I am very proud of my achievements in this course. I studied for about 7 hours for my last exam in this class, so it appears that my many hours of studying have paid off.
Next, there is Inquiry. I received my midterm grade from my professor for this class, and I have an A. I always do my work, and I try to go beyond what is expected of me in this class. I really enjoy it, and I try to take all of the valuable information about success that I learn in that class away with me.
Then, there is my Algebra class. I received a B on my first exam and an A on my second. My grade is most likely in the high B or low A range for this course. Honestly, for a math class, those grades are pretty good for me. I have never been great at math, and I had to study and practice for hours to receive those grades. After getting a B on my first exam, I visited the math tutoring center for extra help with my second exam, and obviously this paid off. They were extremely helpful. I will definitely go back to them for help before my next exam. Hopefully, this will bring up my grade.
My Geography and Conflict course is next. This class is the only one I am slightly uncertain about. I received a B+ on my first quiz, an A- on my second, and A's on the 3 labs we have completed so far. My grade in this course will probably be in the low A range. I am satisfied with this grade, but of course it could be better. This class is very hard to study for. The material does not make a lot of sense to me, so learning the information is slightly difficult. I have found that the use of flash cards for studying have proved to be very useful in studying. Maybe I will go to his office hours before our next exam or quiz and get a more specific idea of what I should be studying.
Finally, there is my Sociology/Critical Thinking class. I believe I only have one grade for this class because we only took one exam, and my professor has never assigned us any homework. I received a 98 on that exam, so that must be my grade for that course so far. In my opinion, this class is fairly easy. Most of the information goes along with common sense, so the information is easy to remember. Taking detailed notes also has helped me so far.
It appears that the strategies I use in my classes where I have good grades are working pretty well. Studying for a few hours for an exam, going beyond the requirements of an assignment, going to a tutor, using flashcards to study, and taking detailed notes in class are all great ways to get good grades. Maybe I can try to apply more of these strategies to the classes I am struggling with.
My goal for the end of the semester is to have A's in all of my classes. I am not far off, and I feel like it is definitely possible if I implement all of my strategies listed above and put my all into my education.

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