After spending weeks on my midterm video blog, getting multiple interviews, and making sure transitions and voice-overs are lined up with the videos properly...guess what happens?
I'm sorry, that was a little dramatic. I actually did not even use a computer for this project. However, I did throw my phone across the room once.
At this moment I would like to give a short customer review of the IPhone app "Splice": DO NOT EVER USE THIS APP, IT DOES NOT WORK AND WILL ONLY MAKE YOU WANT TO RIP YOUR HAIR OUT.
I am not good with technology by any means, so when I found the previously mentioned app, which appeared as though it made video editing simple, I was thrilled! Unfortunately, as the old saying goes, when something seems too good to be true, it probably is. The volume and clarity of the video work well on my phone, but I am completely unable to upload it to the Internet for others to watch. Thanks to this app, my poor Inquiry professor has not even bee able to watch my midterm project. I want to thank her again for being so understanding about all of this.
Despite all of my technological issues, I do believe I fulfilled most of the requirements for the project (besides submitting it on time of course). The time limit requirement for the project was 5-6 minutes, and my project is a little over 6 minutes long. I believe that a slightly longer project with more relevant information is superior to a shorter one.
I provided more than what is required for the interview portion as well. The finalized draft of the video has to have at least three student interviews and 1 faculty or staff interview. My project has three interviews with freshmen students, one with an upperclassman, and one with a professor. I wanted to provide a few different perspectives of the First Year Experience program.
My video definitely has a clear beginning, middle, and end as well. It begins with a title page with my topic and name, and then a voice-over begins of me going into a little more detail about the program and my project.
The middle is full of entertaining videos and some more serious interviews. I tried to captivate my audience and keep their attention by adding some video clips that are informative but are also on the more comical side. I know that watching a video that just lists information and shows less than exciting interviews is not fun to make or watch. Also, I tried to make the interviews visually interesting by asking people my questions in unique areas or giving them props.
Finally, the video ends with another voice-over in which I provide a conclusion and recap the main points of my project. There is also a credits page at the very end thanking all of those who allowed me to interview them.
If I was given more time to revise my project, (besides using an entirely different video editing system) I would like to find a way to adjust the volume on certain parts of my project. My voice-overs have perfect volume and most of my interviews do as well, but there are just one or two that were recorded in louder, more crowded areas where it is slightly more difficult to hear. Unfortunately with the "Splice" app there is no way to edit those aspects of the video. If I had more time to use a different editing program, I would absolutely fix that.
The grade I would give myself for this project would probably be an A-. I would choose this grade because all in all I feel that I have created a very good video. I went beyond the requirements, I made it interesting, and I provided a lot of useful information. My only downfall was the uploading process which was out of my control. I understand that some repercussions must be made because I did not submit my video, but all things considered, I feel that I made a project worthy of a good grade.
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