
10B: The Creative Bird Gets The Most Worms

I have always considered myself a rather creative person, but what is my creative biography?

I believe that everyone is born creative. Young children are always thinking of new ideas and viewing the world in abstract ways. The issue arises as we get older, and our creativity fades. We develop a fear of being wrong, and this hinders us from thinking too outside of the our safe, comfortable boxes.
Creativity is not solely married to the arts. You do not have to be a good artist or dancer to be creative. Creativity is about innovation: finding new ways to look at an idea that has been around for a while. Creativity can be expressed through words, actions, your body, inventions, etc. Everyone has this capacity inside of them, but some people started ignoring it a long time ago.
My creative ambition simply stems from my internal drive to set myself apart. When I create something, whether it is a project for school or something I want to do on my own time just for myself, I strive to be original. Why take someone else's ideas when you have your own brain full of untapped resources and original thoughts? If I am going to put the time and energy into accomplishing something, I want the finished project to be worth my while. The only way I know how to do this is to just allow my thoughts to flow and my mind to wander. The world is full of endless things to think about. When you open up your mind, you are bound to come up with something you have never thought of before.
The obstacles I sometimes experience that hold me back from this ambition come from distractions. I cannot develop my most creative thoughts when there are a hundred other things surrounding me or running through my mind. In order for me to be able to create something out of the ordinary, I absolutely need to be focused on the task at hand.
The person who regularly lights the match beneath my creativity is my dad. I truly believe that his innovative spirit is what has made me such a creative person. He is one of the only adults I have met whose creativity has never faded in the slightest. All my life he has been  teaching me how an open mind can solve almost any problem. If I ever had a desire to give up on something, he would be very upset. From his perspective, everything has a solution even if you have to create one yourself. He never looks at a problem in just one way. If one idea does not work, he always comes up with a few more to try.
I wish that everyone would see the world like my dad. Nothing is ever set in stone. Creativity is the universal key that can unlock doors you never even knew existed. Sometimes we encounter these doors, but we are too afraid to walk through the thresholds. We do not know what is on the other side of the doors, and we may fear that these new ideas will be wrong. We do not want to risk the embarrassment. We have to be more like our childhood selves. Kids are not afraid of being wrong because they know that they are constantly learning. We never stop learning for as long as we live, so we should not feel shame about being wrong as adults. Creativity keeps society going. Without it we would never be able to progress. The future of the world we live in is in our creative hands.

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