
14A: Go Away, Stress!

It is quite ironic that I am currently working on a video project about stress relief when I am actually extremely stressed out basically 24/7.

I have pretty bad anxiety, so I tend to get anxious and stressed fairly easily, but that should not stop me from taking my own advice on stress relief. This week, I have probably felt less stress than I have all year, but it still has crept up on me from time to time over the past few days.
I think that this past Wednesday was the least stressful day I have had since summertime. I have to work every Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning (and I am NOT a morning person), so being able to sleep in past 9:00am for the first time in months was amazing. Not having to worry about an alarm clock or having to be anywhere is the best feeling ever.
Once I woke up around 1:30pm on Wednesday, (I am not even joking- it was probably the Zzzquil I took before bed), I ate a late brunch and quickly got "cabin fever" and felt the need to get out of the house. Then, I decided to drag myself to the gym for the second time this year in preparation for the 20 pounds I anticipated on gaining the next day for Thanksgiving. Exercising definitely did not feel relaxing at the time since I am horrifically out of shape, but I know from my own research that it is good for your body and lowering your stress level.
I ate a lot of amazing food over this mini break, of course because it was Thanksgiving, and that always seems to relax me. Also, I just relaxed and watched a couple of movies a few nights this week. I try to remain calm most of the time, but with my elderly car, work, and school, it is definitely hard sometimes. At least I had Wednesday to recover a little bit from the stress of impending final exams.

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