With my first college finals impending, I need to start preparing so that I can get good grades. This realization led me to my history professor's office earlier this week with a few questions for him.
This past Wednesday, I visited Dr. Troy Rondinone's office hours in EN C211B at 12:00pm. His tests are some of the hardest exams I have ever had to take. He gives us so much information every class that it is difficult to guess what we will be tested on. This class is a lecture, so I am just furiously writing down that he is saying because there are never any notes written on the board to copy down. Also, my test scores in the course have been decreasing lately, and I feel as though I need to gain as much information about the final as possible in order to get a better over-all grade in that class.
The first question I asked him was, "Is the final going to be cumulative?"
He informed me that it will be, but he will provide us with a study guide so that we can narrow down the topics which we have to study.
The second question that I asked was, "What will the format of the final be?"
He said that it will be entirely multiple choice and matching like our other tests so far this year. He told me that the only difference between the final and our previous exams is that it will be longer and have questions on each section we have studied so far.
After speaking to Dr. Rondinone I feel less anxious about our final. The fact that it will be very similar to the other exams I have taken in that class makes me feel more at ease. I feel better prepared for the final exam now that I have spoken to him.
Contact information:
Troy Rondinone, Ph.D.
Office: EN C211B
Office hours: Mon 12-2; Weds 11-1 pm; Thurs 12-1pm
Office phone: 203-390-8836
Email: rondinonet1@southernct.edu
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