The other day we celebrated Thanksgiving, so what better way to reflect upon that than to talk about what I am thankful for? (Get ready for the cheesiest thing you've ever read.)
There are so many things that I am thankful for. Just yesterday I was thinking about how good my life actually is and how lucky I am, but here are a few things I am very grateful for...
My Family- Of course they are the number one part of my life. They are all so crazy and weird, but that is what makes them different from other families. I'm thankful for my parents. They have such a strange relationship like brother and sister which most kids with parents who are not together can't say, so I am thankful for that as it has made my life from childhood easier. Also for my step mom who is a great person and makes my dad really happy. I'm thankful for my brother and two sisters who are all really cute and should stay little forever. I'm also thankful for my Nana who admittedly loves me more than her own children, and for everyone else in my family who has ever supported me, (and I am thankful for my bunnies).
My Boyfriend- He should really be under family, but what the heck, I'll give him his own category. This is beyond corny, but we have been together for four years and I am never happier than I am when I'm with him. He's just a really genuinely great person. I won't go into anymore about him because I don't want to make anyone barf from the cuteness.
My Home(s)- Not many people can say they have multiple places they could go if they needed somewhere to stay, but I have multiple homes where I am welcome any day and I am truly grateful for that. Some people don't even have a roof over their heads at all, so I am extremely lucky.
My Education- My family is definitely not poor, but we don't have a lot of money. The fact that I am able to go to college when neither of my parents, grandparents or aunts and uncles have gone is something I am very thankful for. I am able to get a high level education and give myself a better future.
There are many other things I am thankful for, but I would be sitting at this computer all day if I wrote about everything. Reflecting on my life really gives me great perspective. Sometimes we lose sight of all of the great things about our lives because one bad thing happens to us. It is really good to think about how lucky we are and never forget that there are people who don't have half or any of the things that we take for granted. I am grateful for the life that I have and the amazing people in it.
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